Former Batchmove has evolved to WP-BATCHTOOLS
Perhaps the best of this plugin, you are able to select a date range!
It will also remove a category from a list of posts, also if a posts has two categories where it belongs to. So when a post belongs to news and information, it is possible to remove only category news or information, but it also is possible in one action to update it just to category achive (or whatever you want). A screenshot is found here : “” Options are in progress, like selecting a language and set a number of rows. At the end of this development we complete this plugin to a really useful archive solution. If using this for the first time, don’t forget to make a BACKUP before! A Link to the Batch-Move plugin file
Batchmove has a new name, WP-BATCHTOOLS
BatchMove has evolved to a BATCH Toolbox for WordPress with all kinds of tools available.
- As ever, move, add or delete posts to/from category
- Delete selected posts
- Delete revisions of all or selected posts
- Remove or change author of all or selected posts
- Change status of selected posts
- Change posts type of selected posts
Some new views of the program: Looks like previous version, only the selector is added.
For every action there is a special action view, like this for deleting posts.
BATCHTOOLS WordPress administrator app RELEASED!.