Former Batchmove (free downloaded over 31000 times) has evolved to:

WordPress-BATCH-Tools (WP-BATCHTools)


Our look @ the Dutch documentation

WordPress-BATCH-Tools for Adminstrator & Webmaster, is a WordPress plugin that make it possible to make all kind of changes to a batch of posts
  • Wordpress-BATCH-Tools MenuThe WP-BATCHTools module are:

    • Selector for query posts
      1. Operating manners which come up with peoples common practice.
      2. Configurable number of posts listed in one page.
      3. Enough searching and sorting options.
      4. You are able to select a date range!
      5. More in the future.
    • Wordpress-BATCH-Tools Menu SmallMove posts in category
      1. Assign the selected categories to posts.
      2. Append the selected categories to posts.
      3. Delete the selected categories from posts.
      4. More in the future.
    • Change posts attributes
      1. Change author to posts.
      2. Change comment of posts.
      3. Reset status from posts.
      4. Set or change posttype of posts.
    • Mass Delete posts
      1. Which are selected in query selector.
      2. On present status value, published,pending,etc.
      3. If post contain some value, choice delete/not delete.
    • Wordpress-BATCH-Tools Select WorksetDelete Posts Revisions
      1. All revisions from posts which are selected in query selector.
      2. All revisions from posts, which date are expired.
      3. All revisions from posts.
    • Database
      1. Optimize WordPress Database.
  • Important:

    1. New item to select a workset to work on!
    2. Use selection made by checbox selection or use whole set of selector query!

We have made BatchTools for WP users who maintain large WordPress implementations. MOVE POSTS IN CATEGORIES The exact use is to select a group of posts with the selector, for example all post from news category who has TEST in title or content. Or just what you want, the routine can update/add/delete which mean MOVE, and not just add a post to a category. It can also remove a category from a list of posts, also if posts has two or more categories where it belongs to.

Perhaps the best of this plugin, you are able to select a date range!

Some new views of the program:

Wordpress-BATCH-Tools moving posts from category Window for moving posts from category

Change posts attributes Change posts attributes


Wordpress-BATCH-Tools Delete posts

Delete posts

Wordpress-BATCH-Tools delete comments status

Delete comments status

Wordpress-BATCH-Tools delete comments records

Wordpress-BATCH-Tools delete comments records all

Delete comments

WP-Cleanup ORPHANS, TRANSIENT, DUPLICATED, ETC. Wordpress Cleanup The moment for release is there, one of last inprovements is Database optimalisation and Backup. First of check tables: Wordpress-BATCH-Tools Table Check Result can be OK or …. Wordpress-BATCH-Tools Table result dataset Trouble Wordpress-BATCH-Tools Trouble BATCH-Tools will help you to solve most of the problems by optimize your tables! Wordpress-BATCH-Tools Optimize Its ready to release, BATCHTools-Backup Wordpress-BATCH-Tools Backup Database We think it needs no explanation Wordpress-BATCH-Tools Backup result SQL

BATCHtools licentie 15 €
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