
Uw eigen Mail adres

1  Email adres Uwnaam@postloket.eu    50 MB  4 cent per dag
2e   Email adres Anderenaam@postloket.eu    50 MB  2 cent per dag
 Email adres Uwnaam@postloket.eu  250 MB  6 cent per dag

Een voorbeeld voor een heer Jan Janssen kan zijn het e-mail account j.janssen@postloket.eu wat hij kan gebruiken. Een ander voorbeeld voor m.koster zou zijn, m.koster@postloket.eu. Indien naam reeds door een ander in gebruik is kunt u, na bericht van ons, een andere gewenste naam opgeven. Na opgave per mail van gewenste naam en te gebruiken MB, verkrijgt aanmelder een retour mail met aanmeldingsnaam, password en server informatie toegezonden.

Former Batchmove (free downloaded over 31000 times) has evolved to:

WordPress-BATCH-Tools (WP-BATCHTools)


Our look @ the Dutch documentation

WordPress-BATCH-Tools for Adminstrator & Webmaster, is a WordPress plugin that make it possible to make all kind of changes to a batch of posts
  • Wordpress-BATCH-Tools MenuThe WP-BATCHTools module are:

    • Selector for query posts
      1. Operating manners which come up with peoples common practice.
      2. Configurable number of posts listed in one page.
      3. Enough searching and sorting options.
      4. You are able to select a date range!
      5. More in the future.
    • Wordpress-BATCH-Tools Menu SmallMove posts in category
      1. Assign the selected categories to posts.
      2. Append the selected categories to posts.
      3. Delete the selected categories from posts.
      4. More in the future.
    • Change posts attributes
      1. Change author to posts.
      2. Change comment of posts.
      3. Reset status from posts.
      4. Set or change posttype of posts.
    • Mass Delete posts
      1. Which are selected in query selector.
      2. On present status value, published,pending,etc.
      3. If post contain some value, choice delete/not delete.
    • Wordpress-BATCH-Tools Select WorksetDelete Posts Revisions
      1. All revisions from posts which are selected in query selector.
      2. All revisions from posts, which date are expired.
      3. All revisions from posts.
    • Database
      1. Optimize WordPress Database.
  • Important:

    1. New item to select a workset to work on!
    2. Use selection made by checbox selection or use whole set of selector query!

We have made BatchTools for WP users who maintain large WordPress implementations. MOVE POSTS IN CATEGORIES The exact use is to select a group of posts with the selector, for example all post from news category who has TEST in title or content. Or just what you want, the routine can update/add/delete which mean MOVE, and not just add a post to a category. It can also remove a category from a list of posts, also if posts has two or more categories where it belongs to.

Perhaps the best of this plugin, you are able to select a date range!

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Decision Support System (DSS), een Beslissingsondersteunend systeem


Start van het ondersteunend proces, u gaat een besluit nemen en wilt daar een vergelijking wat betreft de onderliggend gemaakte keuzes. Volgende stap is uw keuzes met een waarderingscijfer te koppelen aan gekozen factoren. Geheel zelfstandig berekend het programma de beste keuze, in volgorde van bereikt waarderingsgetal worden de keuze mogelijkheden aan u getoond. De huidige ontwikkeling is nog op commerciële basis, in ongeveer een maand willen wij de module op onze website gratis ter beschikking van beleidsmakers stellen.

Try it !


Het aantal betrokken keuzen is aan de gebruiker, of heel veel keuzes een evenwichtig oordeel tot gevolg heeft is aan u.

Ook het aantal overwegingen zijn vrij te kiezen, daar zullen hoofdzaken vaak aan de orde zijn. Bij een groter aantal overwegingen zal de juistheid van het geadviseerde waarschijnlijk toenemen. Als eerste wordt naar de belangrijkheid van de overweging gevraagd, daarna wordt per opgegeven keuze een waarde in combinatie met de overweging gegeven. Die waarde kan ook negatief zijn, de waarde is bepaald naar bijdrage aan de doelstelling van de combinatie keuze. 


Het DSS zal een intelligente keuze berekenen, daarnaast laat het door middel van de kleur zien of de keuze gerelateerd aan de aangegeven factoren überhaupt een goede keus is. Fel groen is een super keus, rood is een afrader. Dus een best berekende beste keus die met rode achtergrond kleur wordt weergegeven is toch een afrader! 

WordPress Plugin functionality

class oPasswords {

//public or private $var main different is scope, when you have doubt take public
public $options;

//Wordpress calls init while initiation the plugin. So all your predefined are initialized
    public function __construct() {
        add_action('init', array($this, 'init'));
// Initiate plugin, if you have things that you will initialize. Its not required

    public function init() {



new oPasswords();

The plugin still do nothing, that we have to develop.
First we initiate some values we use.
We also can set a hook, a hook is a place where WordPress execute a given function.
In this case, when install do “paswords_install()”, when uninstall do “passwords_remove()”.
Most of the time is that used to set some values used by the plugin but saved by WordPress.
All other function calls will explained in order of importance.

    public function init() {
        //set install hook, for adding of removing options
        register_activation_hook(__FILE__, array($this, 'passwords_install'));
        //* Runs on plugin deactivation*/
        register_activation_hook(__FILE__, array($this, 'passwords_remove'));
        //register_deactivation_hook( __FILE__, $this->passwords_remove());
        //get some CONSTANT values

        $ok = load_plugin_textdomain('passwords', false, dirname(plugin_basename(__FILE__)) . '/languages');

        add_action('admin_menu', array($this, 'pw_actions'));

        add_shortcode('passwords-new', array($this, 'wp_passwords_new'));
        add_shortcode('passwords-ex', array($this, 'wp_passwords_explain'));



Main action done is pw_actions(), this was initiated in

public function init()

        //ADD function pw_actions() to admin menu
        add_action('admin_menu', array($this, 'pw_actions'));

This function makes the admin menu entries, and link them to sub menu items and other functions.

    public function pw_actions() {
        // Link in het admin menu
        if (is_admin()) {
            add_menu_page('CreatePasswords',        //page_title
                __('CreatePasswords', 'passwords'), //menu_title
                'administrator',                    //capability
                'passcreate',                       //menu_slug   IMPORTANT == parent_slug for others
                array($this, "load_passcreate"),    //function
                'dashicons-admin-network', 7);      //set icon
            add_submenu_page('passcreate',          //parent_slug IMPORTANT
                'Settings',                         //page_title
                'Initials',                         //menu_title
                'administrator',                    //capability
                'passinit',                         //menu_slug
                array($this, "load_passinit"));     //function
                array($this, "load_passdoc"));
            add_action('admin_menu', 'wp_passwords_actions');

There is a difference in menu_title, the firs one is __(‘CreatePasswords’, ‘passwords’) the second one is “Initials”, the difference is that the first one will translated to the local language the second one not. I will explaine later why and how.



First of all we must have a idea what we want to develop, in this case:

  1. We want to develop a password generator.
  2. Generator must be useable in front and backend of the website.
  3. Shortcodes has to be for frontend available.
  4. User can choose which type of  encryption he or she want to use.
  5. User can set how many repeats the plugin use.
  6. Documentation available in menu.


WordPress plugin Initialisation:

  Plugin Name: opasswords
  Plugin URI : http://www.abs-hosting.nl/cms/new-password/
  Description: Encrypted Passwords plugin.
  Author     : CS ABS-Hosting.nl
  Author     : CS  : ABS-Hosting.nl / Walchum.net
  Version    : 1.0
  Author URI : http://www.abs-hosting.nl

Password Plugin

Thats all !,

if the above text is saved as passwords.php and installed as plugin it will do nothing only it will show your information. In WordPress it is a valid plugin and will apear in the plugin list.

  • Pluginname is now called opasswords.
  • Url to plugin form or download file.
  • Short description
  • Author
  • Version is of your choice, 1, 0.1 etc.etc.
  • Author Url, link to your own website

A litle strange is it that the file-name and class-name do not have to be the same!

The actual class :

class oPasswords {

    public $options;

    public function __construct() {
        add_action('init', array($this, 'init'));

     * Initiate plugin
    public function init() {
        //set install hook, for adding of removing options
        register_activation_hook(__FILE__, array($this, 'passwords_install'));
        //* Runs on plugin deactivation*/
        register_activation_hook(__FILE__, array($this, 'passwords_remove'));
        //register_deactivation_hook( __FILE__, $this->passwords_remove());
        //get some CONSTANT values

        $ok = load_plugin_textdomain('passwords', false, dirname(plugin_basename(__FILE__)) . '/languages');

        add_action('admin_menu', array($this, 'pw_actions'));

        add_shortcode('passwords-new', array($this, 'wp_passwords_new'));
        add_shortcode('passwords-ex', array($this, 'wp_passwords_explain'));



This class is center point of the plugin. All functions, who are called in this class, must be available and give correct responses otherwise the plugin will not be INSTALLED by WordPress.



WordPress Plugin Development Tutorial

This tutorial is for starting WordPress Plugin developers, perhaps it will improve the knowledge of professioal developers to. For this tutorial we describe our password plugin, which is not in public domain. Wordpress Plugin Development Passwords The result can be on frontend of your website something AS shown above, in backend looks very familiär. This tutorial don’t describe how to make a account and/or uploading to WordPress.org. Step by step we will describe how to build a documented, object oriented, WordPress Plugin.

Development steps are:

  • Convert Idea to a work plan.
  • Write essential WordPress initiation text.
  • Create a WordPress plugin class.
  • Initialize defenitions and filepaths to CSS and Javascript.
  • Create admin menu implementation.
  • Create all kind of functionality.
  • Using WordPress standard Editor.
  • Use of library classes.
  • How to translate your plugin.
  • Last but not least, writing documentation.

So let’s start developing!

Free Mail Client (FMC) is een kleine WordPress plugin, met een eenvoudige manier om Webmail te geven op de backend van uw website. Hier een link naar de gratis versie van MailClient voor WordPress U kunt ontvangen en lezen van e-mails in de backend van uw site. Lite Mail Client is auteursrechtelijk beschermd en klaar om te reageren op e-mail en om nieuwe berichten te verzenden Voor slechts 1 kunt u vrij LiteMailClient (LMC) gebruikt op zoveel websites die u wilt.

Of betaal met Paypal voor de Lite versie 1 € of 10 € voor de professional. Vergeet niet uw e-mail op te geven, wij zullen u zo snel mogelijk de gewenste plugin (Lite of Professional) per mail toe sturen. inbox Mail Client   Professional Mail Client (PMC) is auteursrechtelijk beschermd en een volledig webmail oplossing contactlist, meerdere mailaccounts, etc. etc. Zie Functies in de documentatie. editor mail client Professional Mail Client (PMC) is de top van de Mail Client plugins, nog in ontwikkeling maar binnen 3 maanden beschikbaar voor …. slechts 10 $
(FMC) == Free Mail Client is freeware and can be used without any restrictions (LMC) == Lite version of the professional version of Mail Client (PMC) == Professional version of Mail Client

Professional in short time available but not yet released!

Professional in kurzer Zeit zur Verfügung, aber noch nicht freigegeben!

Professional in korte tijd beschikbaar, maar nog niet vrijgegeven!

Recieve mail from mail server x x x
Recieve mail from multiple mail servers     x
Read mail from mail server x x x
Read mail from multiple mail servers     x
Delete mail from mail server x x x
Delete mail from multiple mail servers     x
Send mail message   x x
Send response mail   x x
Use of contact list     x
Use of black list     x
Use of white list     x
Automatic responce     x
Etcetera …     x


Prijzen Free Lite Professional
Prijs van Mail Client Versie 0.00 1 10

Gecodeerd wachtwoord creëren!


This simple program is a tool for using Encrypted Passwords which are secure, without the obligation to remember that difficult password. It is released for free, so the cost cant be any problem. If your account now be hacked there is only one who is responseble …. YOU executed Please take the name of your wife or husband, it also can be a pet name. The program will create a number of secure words, wich you with confidence can use. If you forgot or lost your password, fill simply out the form again with your easy to remember name and the secure password is made for you again. You can use it in the frontend of your website. Use this shortcode in a page or widget, thats all! Simple initialisation for admin is provided initialize   See it, or make some of your own!

Best of all, BUY

ABS Application Server is special made for Dropshippers,  its a application module who can used standalone or with WordPress/Joomla, Opencart, Prestashop, etc.etc. All kinds of webapplications who needs Import or Export that can use the ABS =>Dropshipping Application Server (ADAS).

First beta version 0.7 is released

This module is made with the dropshippers in mind, all features are specially made for the needs of dropshipping. We have taken PHP framework CodeIgniter as starting point, we designed a special dropshipping Application Server. One of the main features is automatic Import and Export from and to CSV / XML files. Import and Export is part of the core of the dropshipping Application Server.

All normal dropshipping data services are available.

There is a special feature for redirect output to customer pages.

What will this mean? Simple, the customer becomes from the dropshipper supplier a HTML call to the Application Server, witch result in a HTML source transfer from supplier to customer webshop page article content.

No product information or pictures are necessary on customer website!

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Import DataABS-Hosting.nl has build a Import module for WordPress/Woocommerce, it can Import into Woocommerce from XML and even old CSV files are supported. For now it is a special routine for Woocommerce, in future we will rebuild it for OpenCart to. We have spend a lot of time to build this WordPress Import module, so its not for free. Or experience with our BatchMove module did us decide to make this a commercial module. Why we build this Import module? For Woocommerce there are some Import modules available but they are made for all kind of Imports, so you have to find out if the module imports Images and Variations. Our module is special made for Woocommerce, and it will Import Images and Variations. We have the user interface made as easy as possible, the downside of that is there has to be done some predefine for variables. This action is only One time necessary, after that you benefit from this simple and easy interface. On the same time the maintenance of stock, deletion and new products is a peace of cake. We even have implemented a WordPress cronjob, after installation you can make your own decisions about how many time de module should do his actions.

The cost are low, just 25 $ / 20 € a month pro Webshop

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BATCHtools licentie 15 €
Programming pays my bills. Selling files yours? Come on, give me a fair share!
Koop nu een licentie en steun ons in de verdere ontwikkeling en onderhoud van BATCHTools
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