
All kind of services to supply dropshipping to customers

ABS Application Server is special made for Dropshippers,  its a application module who can used standalone or with WordPress/Joomla, Opencart, Prestashop, etc.etc. All kinds of webapplications who needs Import or Export that can use the ABS =>Dropshipping Application Server (ADAS).

First beta version 0.7 is released

This module is made with the dropshippers in mind, all features are specially made for the needs of dropshipping. We have taken PHP framework CodeIgniter as starting point, we designed a special dropshipping Application Server. One of the main features is automatic Import and Export from and to CSV / XML files. Import and Export is part of the core of the dropshipping Application Server.

All normal dropshipping data services are available.

There is a special feature for redirect output to customer pages.

What will this mean? Simple, the customer becomes from the dropshipper supplier a HTML call to the Application Server, witch result in a HTML source transfer from supplier to customer webshop page article content.

No product information or pictures are necessary on customer website!

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