WordPress Plugin functionality
class oPasswords { //public or private $var main different is scope, when you have doubt take public public $options; //Wordpress calls init while initiation the plugin. So all your predefined are initialized public function __construct() { add_action('init', array($this, 'init')); } // Initiate plugin, if you have things that you will initialize. Its not required public function init() { } } new oPasswords();
The plugin still do nothing, that we have to develop.
First we initiate some values we use.
We also can set a hook, a hook is a place where WordPress execute a given function.
In this case, when install do “paswords_install()”, when uninstall do “passwords_remove()”.
Most of the time is that used to set some values used by the plugin but saved by WordPress.
All other function calls will explained in order of importance.
public function init() { //set install hook, for adding of removing options register_activation_hook(__FILE__, array($this, 'passwords_install')); //* Runs on plugin deactivation*/ register_activation_hook(__FILE__, array($this, 'passwords_remove')); //register_deactivation_hook( __FILE__, $this->passwords_remove()); //get some CONSTANT values $this->defenitions(); $ok = load_plugin_textdomain('passwords', false, dirname(plugin_basename(__FILE__)) . '/languages'); add_action('admin_menu', array($this, 'pw_actions')); add_shortcode('passwords-new', array($this, 'wp_passwords_new')); add_shortcode('passwords-ex', array($this, 'wp_passwords_explain')); $this->wp_passwords_add_css_files(); //$this->wp_passwords_add_javascript_files(); $this->get_option(); }
Main action done is pw_actions(), this was initiated in
public function init()
//ADD function pw_actions() to admin menu
This function makes the admin menu entries, and link them to sub menu items and other functions.
public function pw_actions() { // Link in het admin menu if (is_admin()) { add_menu_page('CreatePasswords', //page_title __('CreatePasswords', 'passwords'), //menu_title 'administrator', //capability 'passcreate', //menu_slug IMPORTANT == parent_slug for others array($this, "load_passcreate"), //function 'dashicons-admin-network', 7); //set icon add_submenu_page('passcreate', //parent_slug IMPORTANT 'Settings', //page_title 'Initials', //menu_title 'administrator', //capability 'passinit', //menu_slug array($this, "load_passinit")); //function add_submenu_page('passcreate', 'Settings', 'Documentation', 'administrator', 'passdoc', array($this, "load_passdoc")); add_action('admin_menu', 'wp_passwords_actions'); } }
There is a difference in menu_title, the firs one is __(‘CreatePasswords’, ‘passwords’) the second one is “Initials”, the difference is that the first one will translated to the local language the second one not. I will explaine later why and how.