
WordPress Plugin Development Tutorial

This tutorial is for starting WordPress Plugin developers, perhaps it will improve the knowledge of professioal developers to. For this tutorial we describe our password plugin, which is not in public domain. Wordpress Plugin Development Passwords The result can be on frontend of your website something AS shown above, in backend looks very familiär. This tutorial don’t describe how to make a account and/or uploading to Step by step we will describe how to build a documented, object oriented, WordPress Plugin.

Development steps are:

  • Convert Idea to a work plan.
  • Write essential WordPress initiation text.
  • Create a WordPress plugin class.
  • Initialize defenitions and filepaths to CSS and Javascript.
  • Create admin menu implementation.
  • Create all kind of functionality.
  • Using WordPress standard Editor.
  • Use of library classes.
  • How to translate your plugin.
  • Last but not least, writing documentation.

So let’s start developing!

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